

Isn’t it about time for another Inspire, Inspire Journal prompt?!  I think so!  This go around consider the phrase, “From Within” and see what you can come up with for your line-weaving journal page.

Near the beginning of the year I went on a cleaning spree and I purged a ton of stuff from my art studio.  It was a truly nice feeling to donate many of my un used items to other creative folks.  And also to free up storage nooks, work space, and a cluttered mind. Afterwards I felt inspired to create new art pieces from many of the things I had tucked away just waiting to become a piece of art.

Believe it or not my studio is still staying somewhat kept even while I create colorful messes behind the doors.  There are many project – a rainbow of bright hues ready to burst through the studio doors and into the hearts of others.

It was those feelings of freshly cleaned artful spaces and a renewed sense of creativity that had me doodling this little page in my Inspire, Inspire journal.


So now it’s your turn!  What sort of thoughts come to mind for you when you hear the words, “From Within?”


Happy Doodling to You! 

~ Cindy