Hello my friends. I was away from my blog a little longer than I had expected. I’ve been keeping myself very busy offline though. I spent the last couple of weeks helping a friends family with some major health and family care issues while doing double duty consulting with my newest clients (I’m doing wellness and creativity coaching these days). It’s been a whirl wind of activity in my little corner of America.
New Toys Coming This Next Week!
I’ve just finished putting the final touches on a new Mandala tool product and I’ll be adding it to my online store this next week. So if you enjoy creating mandalas or you want to use a tool that makes them easy to make at a professional level – you will definitely want to check back here during the week. If you want to stay informed of when I’m launching new fun stuff be sure to use sign up on my emailing list or RSS feed to get notifications of when I update my blog postings.
Back on the Front Burner
I also managed to get a wee bit more of my book written. A project long overdue for some Cindy attention! Maybe, just maybe I’ll actually finish that bad boy up this year. The goal was for last fall, but when my health went kapooey on me, I pooped out on that project. Placing it back on the front burners now though. No goal date in site at this time, just me writing when the mood strikes and letting it come into space and time when the universe allows me to make it so.
Proudly We Wave Swap
Additionally, I accomplished a couple of art pieces. Wahoo! And a small swap project too. I hosted the “Proudly We Wave” 3×5 card swap at LineWeaving.com in May. For this swap we used the colors on the flag of our country. For my blog visitors you may not know – I’m located in the USA and America’s flag colors are Red, White, and Blue. I used my patterns: Fuzzy String and Plantern on this project. Here are the two pieces I did up for the swap:

Proudly We Wave Art Swap
These art works I actually created from a mandala drawing. After creating the mandala I sliced it into several smaller pieces and ended up with my swap items plus an ATC and a nugget for a greeting card. 😀 Let me know if you are interested in seeing all the pieces and I’ll share those here on my blog too.
Yeah Me!
Oh! I almost forgot… did I tell you yet that my Quiet Place altered book layout was chosen to be on the cover of the Art Journal Kickstarter book? So exciting and I feel honored to be published again. Thank you to CreateMixedMedia.com and North Light Books for allowing me to share my art work with others through their avenues. And congratulations to the other artists chosen for this publication too!
This week I’m thinking will be less hectic for me and I’ll get to play online more often. At least I hope that’s the case! I’ll check back in again soon and bring you some new tools, toys, and journal prompts. Although I have a ton of gardening to do right now – I’m expecting June to be a very creative month for me in the studio too! I hope it will be for you as well!
Cheers and Happy Thoughts to you All!
Thank you so kindly!
Love your piece!
And congrats for your bookcover!! :))