Mandala Series Continues
This is the sixth posting in my Mandala series. In case you missed any of the other postings here’s a quick list of them:
- Five Mandala Drawing Methods – Video Tutorial and downloadable info sheet
- Slice and Dice Projects – Video Tutorial and ATC swap invitation (swap is now closed)
- Mandalas for Rubber Stamping Fans – Video Tutorial
- Free Mandala Starter Template (1 of 3) – with Video Clip
- Second Mandala-Starter GiveAway (2 of 3) – with Video Clip
I hope you are enjoying the series thus far. There’s more to come and today I want to share with you a pattern I created a few months back that just seemed to be perfect for adding a bit of flair to rings in mandalas. And I challenge you to use the pattern in a mandala drawing you create too! Rymey is a pattern that is a bit advanced *IF* you weave several strings of them together. If you are just drawing single strings it’s actually quite easy. In the video below I’ll show you the basic pattern. Then show you some of the fancier ways you can use the pattern too – like weaving them together, having one sit behind the another, and combining long and short strings of Rymey together as well. Enjoy the video and then download the worksheet for your pattern stash!
Rymey Pattern Video How-To:
Rymey Pattern Worksheet:
Right click on this link for the RymeyPatternWorksheet and save it to your computer for future reference! 😀
Rymey Pattern Challenge:
So are you ready to give this one a try now too? I’m sending out a challenge to use Rymey in a mandala! In the yellow/orange example piece below you can see how I did a ring around the outside edge that has two strings of Rymey woven together. One in yellow and one in red tones. And near the center of the mandala I simply did a single ring of Rymey, drew an aura or halo around it and colored it in orange tones.

Fire Stripe Mandala
In this green mandala you can see the finished results from the one I drew in the video. Notice how the center ring of Rymey’s that are woven together includes a black circle of the pattern that’s taller than the short green one? And the outside ring of woven Rymey patterns are both the same size. Using a tool such as the DIY Circular Grid Drawing Templates is what makes that much easier. Although I must warn you – even with a grid in place, it can be a challenge to figure out those connects! LOL

String Beans – a Sampler using Rymey Pattern
Inside Scoop and Mental Health Thought
I was drawing this mandala in the video tutorial when there were weather warnings buzzing on our radio – tornado watches in our area. So I put tornado-ish looking shapes in this drawing. 😀 Hiding elements of that day in my art. When I look at the creation later, it brings back memories and thoughts from the past. Just a little thing I do now and again. It makes the piece a wee bit more personal and these hidden messages lend an inside/secret story to most every mandala I create. Have fun with them! I’d love to see your drawings using the Rymey pattern too. Please share. 😀 Hugs to you All! ~Cindy
A lovely pattern Cindy way to go!