In my last blog post I mentioned how Tail Cappers are like Finials added for fun and finesse.  And while I was typing up that posting I jumped over to Google and did a quick search on the word finial just so I could give you a picture of what I was talking about.  The first one that caught my eye also had me thinking of a pattern straight away.  I sketched my idea in my little notebook and just went on with my blog post.

Well today I’m sharing with you that pattern and another one I came up with also inspired by another finial from the same web search.  I hope you like them and I hope you’ll also see how easy it can be to create new patterns based on the most unexpected finds!  🙂

Without any further delay – here’s the how-to video for both these new patterns.  One called Binial and the other Vamala.  Enjoy!

Below are the two samplers I made using these patterns.  See if you can come up with some creative ways to shade, color, and add other embellishments to these patterns in your artful works as well.  And let me know what you’ve come up with too!

Binial Sampler – Titled “The Outsider”


Vamala Sampler


It’s fun to see how many different ways you can do something with the same pattern.  I hope you’ll give it a try with some samplers of your own.

In case you need a wee bit of help remembering the steps to these patterns I’ve included the worksheets for them below.  To save them to your computer simply hover your mouse over the picture and right click.  Then choose the “save image” option that your browser offers you.

Have a Terrifically Doodley Day!
~ Cindy ~