Here’s an art page prompt for you that I encourage you to tweak to meet your needs.  The words may seem to fit better with a slight change in the basic phrase.  I toss out there – “By My Hands.”  You may feel more like, “By His Hands”; “With Mom’s Hands”; “From God’s Hands”; or some other rendition of the prompt.

Use the general idea to lead your thoughts and then your pen to create something… anything… prompted by the words.  Maybe you remember a toy your parents lovingly helped assemble while you watched in anticipation.  Do you see man made things in the world around you that evoke certain feelings?  Natural elements that you thank a higher being for creating?  Maybe just the thought of the nerves and muscles and how the flesh moves around those hands at the end of your arms is what comes to mind.  Would your thoughts mosey to what it’s like to hold something precious or loved in the cradle of your hands?

Well whatever your thoughts are – go with the flow and see what shows up on your paper as a result of it.  And if you find yourself in a brain freeze, see if simply tracing your hand and then filling it in with doodley patterns, helps to give you some creative release!  And choose to make some patterns and line work on your page that represents something special in your thoughts.  That way this journal page will become personal to you and you may want to revisit and enjoy it again in the future sometime.

Yes, I Volunteer

I’d like to share with you a creative page from one of my loose-leaf journals I worked through last year when I was using a similar prompt for myself.  I call this page “Yes, I Volunteer”.


In this piece I used several patterns I’ll be including in an upcoming publication I’m working on.  I’ll be posting a few survey questions about the book in our community forums  in the next week or so.  Because I want to produce a product that will meet your needs.  If you’d like to be a part of the conversation, be sure to become a member of the community so you can participate.  I’d love to hear what you have to say about your pattern book preferences.

Free Hands Template

I thought this triple hand image was different from most of the hand type photos out there and that maybe others would like to have a go at using such a template.  So of course I created one to share.  You can grab this free template by clicking on the photo below.  It will offer you a pdf file to download on your computer.  Print it and let your mind and pens just go wild on it!  Over and over again.  Using different patterns each time!  Feel free to share the template with your students, your friends, or anyone else. 🙂


Sometimes when walking through the halls of the elementary schools where my children attended classes – I’d see a display of the artful creations hung on the wall.  Many times these exhibits were of the same picture, simply done by different young artists.  I think this template would be a fun one to see accomplished by a classroom and displayed this way.  If you are a teacher and have your students use this template for a repeat pattern art project – I would love, love, love to see a photo of your hallway exhibition or any other method you choose to display their art!


Enjoy and Keep Your Hands Weaving Wonderful Lines!
Until we meet again…. ~Cindy
