I know I’ve been a been lax with adding a new journal prompt, but I have actually been working in my journal quite a bit just the same. I hope that you have been too! “Homeland with Love” is the creative prompt I put before you today. ...
Most everyone has a page (or two… or more) in their creative journals that incorporates the use of text presented in an artful way. Since I haven’t done one of those in my Inspire, Inspire journal for 2012 yet – it’s time to get with...
Several nights this week we had a full moon lighting up our night sky. Each evening as I pulled the curtains closed before climbing into bed it seemed the big fella was whispering, “good night.” And when I awoke the next morning he was still there...
Here’s an art page prompt for you that I encourage you to tweak to meet your needs. The words may seem to fit better with a slight change in the basic phrase. I toss out there – “By My Hands.” You may feel more like, “By His...
In this article I’m going to do something that’s a bit different for me. I am going to walk you through the creative process that I experienced while creating a page in my journal. Typically this is something I keep to myself because I feel a bit...
I’m ready to open a fresh, untouched journal this morning and begin a new creative adventure. How about you? This morning my mind and my muse is pondering on, “Fresh New Beginnings”. So that’s the prompt I’ll be using while...
As I do every year I’ll be working on multiple creative journals at the same time. In 2010 one of my journals was filled with only repeat pattern art drawings. I’ve decided once again to dedicate one of my journals to just line-weaving creations...
This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011. Although I haven’t gotten in a...
This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011. If you’ve been around me for...
This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011. Creativity Between Friends A Circle...