Like the seasons, change is inevitable. What it will be and when it will come is up for grabs. The real question we’re looking at today is, “how do I deal with change?”
I’m sort of all over the place with it myself. I usually prefer change to move slow as snails and allow me to ease into the whole idea of it all. However there are also times when I like to experience it more like ripping the bandaide off quickly. Bring it on and let it happen quick and painlessly, please. Thank you. Know what I mean? LOL
While the speed of change is one of those things I seem to flex with – depending on my mood and the situation at hand… one thing is certain, I don’t avoid change. I rather like change. I’m one of those strange people who welcome and embrace it.
I look at change this way: Like the hands that rotate around a clock and tick the minutes away; like the fuzzy worm that turns into a butterfly; and just like the buds eventually bloom into beautiful flowers too…. change will arrive. No one can stop changes from coming. And change represents growth for me.
Personal Growth Changes
One way or another I will grow as a result of change. Maybe I’ll grow stronger or wiser. Maybe I’ll grow in a different direction. Learn something new. Possibly experience a discovery moment. Whatever the change – I allow myself the opportunity to grow. And this is why I accept changes with a sense of wonder and an open mind for newness.
So this is the prompt for the pages in our inspire, inspire art-journal this go around. Change – How Do I Deal with Changes
I have a friend who’s retiring from a long career in April. One of our dear daughters has recently announced her engagement. Both these gals are going through changes now and will no doubt experience even more changes as a result of their lifestyle decisions. Are you going through a change of sorts right now too? Maybe that specific change is what you’ll want to express in your patterned pages this go around.
No big changes at hand currently? Well that’s fine. I’m in that boat along side you. So for my pages I expressed my general thoughts about change and the idea of embracing it. This time I doodled up my pages before announcing the prompt. So I’ll share it with you now.

"Embrace Change" - Pages now ready for my journaling notes
If you want to see what I’ve done in my book for the other Inspire, Inspire Art-Journal prompts, just bounce over to our gallery album in the or visit our flickr group and you can see how I’ve expressed my thoughts through repeat pattern doodles. And you’ll get to see how others have done the same with some really terrific line weaving across their book pages too!
Have fun with the prompt and be sure to share your pages with us in the gallery and in our flickr group too!
P.S. Yes – I’m also one of those gals who likes surprises! 😀