I am having technical difficulties with this site (a little bit) and LineWeaving.com (a lot a bit!) . As I’m trouble shooting the issues please note that you may experience sluggish performance on the site(s). I’m working through various database queries to see if there’s a glitch there as well. So you may notice a couple options turned off now and again. Currently I’m focusing on the alpha listing of our patterns and the gallery query calls. So if those aren’t working when you’re online – it’s me…. not your computer!
No time for doodling around today. Must work on computer coding and cleaning up web messes. 🙁
Very sorry for the inconvenience to you. I appreciate your patience as I continue to work through the issues.
Thanks you!
~ Cindy
Hi Cindy
I had noticed the site was working really slow and pictures were hard to access so I thought there was a problem.
thank you for all the hard work. To maintain a website that grows and grows must be a big job. I hope it all works out for the best and wait patiently until bugs are fixed. I love the rainbow elephant and lineweaving.com.
greetings from Belgium
I am so sorry you are having troubles hon!! I do hope for a speedy fixing so you can get back to your regular wonderful artwork!!