Well folks, it’s finally here! The official opening of our new Line Weaving Community Forums starts now! Register Today! Wahoo! I’m so excited about it too. Even before the doors opened we’ve had a good handful sneak in through the back door and take a peek around. Were you one of the early birds? If so, then you already have an idea of what to expect.
Grand Opening Celebrations Start on Friday!
Here’s some of the things I have planned. And it’s just the beginning too!
Day One – November 11th: Starting first thing in the morning (GMT) I’ve got an entire line up of chats set up so we can meet and greet each other in a New Member Mixer. I hope you’ll jump in and participate. Simply introduce yourself to the group and maybe say hi to others on the site to make sure you have at least two postings in the forums. Because that’s when the Chat Room link will show up for you in the top menu and then you can join in the fun! Everyone who attends one of the scheduled chats can download a package of free templates just begging to be doodled on. And if you’re interested you can also sign up for a raffle. Well not just one raffle – actually I’ll be pulling up to 10 names from the hat. And if you’re a winner I’m mail you a set of wooden shape cut-outs to tangle on and have fun with. They can be used for tree ornaments, gift package embellishments, or any number of other things. See the picture above to get a glimpse of the goodies. All the details about how to get your freebies and have your name in the drawings – are in the forums. So if you haven’t already done so, jump over there now and sign in. Get started today with your postings and you’ll be ahead of the pack!
Week One – You’re invited to our 5-Day Pattern Party! We already have over 100 patterns in our library and we’re looking to add more. We want to know about your favorite patterns! During the party everyone is asked to add a pattern (or two, or more) 😉 to the list. The more we have, the better this resource will become for all doodlers, tanglers, and line-weavers! Party participants get another opportunity to win a raffle prize too. All the details along with a peek at the raffle gift will be available in the forums over the weekend. But don’t wait for that posting to go out. Get started now if you want! The raffle drawing is available to members who have added any patterns since the day I opened the back door (last weekend) up through Friday the 18th!
Next Weekend – I’ll be posting out some new training videos showing tips and tricks for you to use in your artful projects. Introducing you to a couple of new drawing styles that you probably haven’t seen before too! And maybe – just maybe I’ll pull out a few patterns from my vault and a couple of grab-bag gifts for a new drawing as well. Participate in the training sessions and you might win one of them!
Week Two – We’ll be having a Gallery Extravaganza with everyone adding their art to our media gallery to help coax along each others muse. Naturally gifts will be handed out during the special event too.
More Tangley Celebrations to Come!
I have plenty of other activities planned along the way too, but to share it all with you here and now would take some of the fun and excitement out of it. And that just doesn’t seem right. So if you want to know about each of the new events as they are being announced – keep an eye on my blog and my YouTube channel. And of course – drop by the community forum often too!
Grand Opening Announcement Video
In the video below you can get an quick glimpse of many of the gifts I’ll be raffle off and handing out to our members. Maybe there will be something to catch your eye. The sketch journals or pens? Fabric pens and wearable projects to doodle on? Possibly the pre-cut cards or puzzles waiting for your patterns to be added? I just don’t know what will catch your interest. However – I’d love for you to tell me what you’d like to see in the forums. Be sure to share your thoughts in the discussion areas with us all or drop me a private message if you prefer. Just be sure to share.
It’s not MY community. It’s OUR community!
Although I’m the one hosting this thing – it’s important for you to know that this community belongs to all of us. It will be whatever we make it to be. If it’s buzzing with activity we’ll all get something fun out of it! So let’s go play in there together….. here’s to a doodley good time during our GRAND OPENING Celebrations!
See ya on the inside!
~ Cindy
Registered!! :))
I have tried many times to register at LineWeaving.com/Forums and have been
unable to do so successfully. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
I had another user report registration problems to me as well, while others are having no issues at all. Weird!
I’m working to find the glitch in the system. In the mean time, I’ve set up an account for you and emailed the info your way already.
Please let me know if you don’t get that info or if you have any additional challenges with accessing the forums.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Looking forward to seeing on the inside!