Although I haven’t gotten in a great deal of scrapbooking accomplished, I have finally returned to my artful activities again after a bit of a lul in the studio. Did some fun croppin’ in my art journal last weekend when I hosted a cyber crop at CHW. [Update: CHW is no longer an active online community] If you haven’t already done so, pop on over to our gallery and check out the wonderful page spreads our members have accomplished. Caroylyn from Cally’s Scrappy Stuff and Jeanne from My Tin Hair Musings joined me for the crop and then Judy picked up and created two journaling projects in her book a day or so later.
If you want to see the creative process behind our recent works, peek at the tutorial I wrote based on our cyber croppin’ good time too!
Besides croppin’ I have also been hoppin along with tons of projects for the new business, as well as preparing gift packages for a birthday party at CHW . This, along with getting together some online activities and creating a few pieces of digi-art to hand out is keeping my little hands and heart busy everyday. I’m in one of those phases where I’m struggling a bit in the evenings because I can’t seem to get my brain to shut down long enough to get the sleep my body requires. I tell that little brain to sleep…. sleep…. sleep….. and yet she just doesn’t. Too much fuzzy buzz going on up there.
A Not-So-Quiet Mind
Even after a hot cup of decaf tea and soothing sit in the hot tub, my mind was still jumping again last night. It kept looping around and around with thoughts of thankfulness. We have been on such a string of celebrations in our life lately and I’m truly lovin’ it! We celebrated the birth of our 8th grandchild just as 2006 was closing out. Then we had a good time partying with Our Boo as she crossed-over the tassle on her graduation cap in June. Following that, Hubby and I celebrated our dozenth year wedding anniversary. As I mentioned earlier, I’m about to celebrate year 3 with my Craft Happy Website family and friends in August – the same month I’ll be “officially” launching my newest website Digital Scrapbook Designer Professionals. How cool is all of that?!
Although my last round of shots did finally kick in and has started to make life more bearable again, I’m still dealing with those stupid migraines. As is far, far to often the case – one totally took me out of commission earlier this week. But once that puppy was over I just pulled myself back up and went back to croppin’ hoppin’ and celebratin’! These days my motto seems to be something along the lines of “Keep the pain killers coming, work through the creativity therapy, and for sure – let’s have us a good time, in the mean time!” ROFLOL 🙂
Thanks for Stopping by!
Beautiful pages Cindy … you’re work is always a real inspiration to me.
Your journal pages look awesome. Hope you headaches get better soon.
Thanks for your concern Cheryl. Unfortunately I will always have to deal with this gosh darned disease. But I’m sure glad when it’s calmed down a bit. This month I’m doing exceptionally well. Only 4 migraines thus far and we’re already to the 20th of the month. This is a VERY welcomed all time low. 😀 Wahoo!
Appreciate your kind words about my journal pages. Those are such fun. Do you keep an art journal of any type?
So sorry you’re STILL dealing with migraines – but glad your shot finally kicked in. I know they are no fun at all!!!
I love your journal pages too.