Last week was another one of those when time just got away from me.  I had grand ideas of getting a new creative community and gallery all set up, fun how-to videos accomplished to post online, get the laundry and house cleaning done, and get two must-do work projects off my desk.

Well I didn’t get the entire list accomplished.  As is the case often in my little world of craziness I managed to finish up about half the list.  Which brings me to either holding off another week in launching the community forums to allow myself time to clean it up a bit before company comes a’calling or just say the heck with it all and let it be as is.

I’ve opted to just shoot for the latter and post the link out for folks now – in spite of me not being quite ready yet.  With the holiday season quickly approaching I know that my time for non-work related web-based projects is going to be more limited as I dive head first into my art studio to put the last minute touches on Christmas presents and such.

So I might as well just accept the possibility that time may not make itself available for my web-community project between now and the end of the year.

So Here’s the Scoop

I’ve hinted about a bit via email with some of my blog readers and doodley friends, letting them know that I was getting ready to launch an online gallery and discussion board.  It was my hope to launch it on 1 Novemember.  However, it’s now the 2nd and the site isn’t 100% ready to go live, but if you don’t mind a “messy house” and you want to join us a smidgin early (before the official opening) – you’re welcome to sneak on in through the back door (where close friends always come in at my house).  And since it’s not clean yet – don’t bother to wipe your feet.  Just make yourself at home.

The web address is: and it’s a free community website I’m designing for doodlers, tanglers, line-weavers, and anyone else interested in chattering about repeat pattern art.

I did manage to get a few FAQ type tutorials put together to help folks find their way around.  I also set up several photo galleries in the “Media Center” and loaded a picture in each to make sure they worked.  You’re welcome to pop on over and check it out.  Just be prepared for some of the site functions to not be working yet. 🙁

Hopefully I’ll get the rest of the pieces in place by the end of this upcoming weekend and then I’ll do an official grand opening, complete with artful games and a couple of fun giveaways too.

In the mean time – if you want to, you’re welcome to jump in and start adding your pictures to the galleries and your creative thoughts in the discussion areas too.   Let me know what you think of the place and tell me where things are missing or not working yet as well.  I’m wanting it to be all nice and shiny and working right – sooner rather than later.  Your input will be helpful.

Fingers-crossed I’ll have more web-playtime this weekend and can put the final touches on things to open the doors officially.  😀  Wish me luck.  Because from the looks of the projects sitting on my desk right now….I’m gonna need it!

Oh yeah…. one more thought before I forget – I’ll have a new Circular Sunday Mandala template coming this weekend too!  Wahoo!

I’m buggin’ out of here for a couple days – See Ya!