So here it is – the first Sunday of October and I bet you’re wanting to pick up a new circular template to play with.  Well I’m not going to disappoint you.  The template I created for this month has a funky little trumpet tube looking shape in the middle of it.  I found it to be challenging to work with to say the least.  Nevertheless I did put my muse to work and came up with a couple examples to share with you.

Here’s a pen-n-paper creation I did last night using the October template.  Title: “Center Stage.”

ArtStudio for Digital Line Weaves

Now besides working with my template on paper I also did up a digital mandala this go around.  I created it using my IPad in an app called, ArtStudio by Lucky Clan. I’m still new to that program, but I gotta say it’s the best one I have found for line weaving on my IPad and of course I picked up the same ArtStudio app for my IPhone too.  If you’re interested in doodling, tangling, and weaving lines on your IOS platforms you might want to give these a go.

I titled this creation, “Announcing the New Season.”  It’s the second one I’ve done using the ArtStudio app  and it helped me get a better handle on using the many drawing tools.  I really can’t decide if I like this one better in black and white or with the color.  It’s nice to have the option to enjoy it either way. 🙂

October’s Circular Template

So without any further ado, idle chatter, stalling, or craziness talk…. here’s your template for this month.  I do hope you enjoy this one as much as the two before it.  To save it to your computer for printing or digital play simply click the snapshot picture below.



Now go out and create some fun mandala line weaves!
~ Cindy